Monday, March 19, 2012

Install Components for my OLAP Application on client machine (OWC11, msolap9.0, MSXML 6) - for a


i have a problem by installing my application by a customer,

i think some rights should be given for a normal user before he can use my application.

But I don't know where to search:

Where I can look what happens on installing this components:

OWC11, msolap9.0, msxml6 ?

Are there some registry entries written, or are there created some directories?

Is there somewhere a referrence where I can find answers on this questions?

My problem:

Customer has no rights for installing this components,

so i logged on his computer as admin and installed all.

But if I log in later as a normal user, my application doesnt work.

Thank you in advanced for the answers,


You got to separate installation problems from connectivity or other problems.

To install, many applications require admin rights on the machine. If user running setup is not local machine administrator setup will most likely fail. That what you have seen with your customer.

Once your application is installed, you got to take a look at user permissions.

If you are saying that running as administrator you can run your application and connect to Analysis Server then most likely application has been installed correctly. You need to take a look at what permission your user has to access Anlysis Services.


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