Wednesday, March 7, 2012

inserting video from sql into embedded media

Hi i have a video file path stored in my sql database and i have an embedded media player in my web page, how can i load up a different video file into the embedded media player based on movie id or movie name, this is the code i have written so far but im unsure if im in the right direction, thanks

sorry this is the code






><PARAMname="autoStart"value="True"><PARAMname="URL"value="<%# Eval("MovieFile") %>"><PARAMname="rate"value="1"><PARAMname="balance"value="0"><PARAMname="enabled"value="true"><PARAMname="enabledContextMenu"value="true"><PARAMname="fullScreen"value="false"><PARAMname="playCount"value="1"><PARAMname="volume"value="100">




Hi Peter,

Naturally, you can pass the value from database to the url attribute of the object. And about the usage of ActiveX controls from Internet Explorer, you may refer the following kb article:

If this does not help you,pls feel free to mark the post as Not Answered and reply.


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