Wednesday, March 7, 2012

inserting values for alias names within tables?

hi every1

I have a database table in which one of the fields is an alias for the identity field. That is the alias field self references the table and takes its value for the "id" field of tht table
as follows:
system_id int
system_name varchar(20)
sys_alias int
sys_pro varchar(80)
sys_values varchar(80)
so here the sys_alias takes wtever value the system assigns to the id field, system_id while inserting values into the table..
now my problem is i have to insert records into ths table frm aother tables using insert from statements bt since the id values r enerated by the comp during value insertion i dunno how to give values fr the alias?

e.g insert into my_table(system_name,sys_alias,sys_pro,sys_values)
select x,(how to give ths field),y,z
from another_table

neone who understood my problem and can help puhllezz post me a reply asap!

shuchiSounds like you'd have to do this in a trigger.|||what is the expression for the "alias" column? is it exactly the same value, or is it something like a character prefix plus the value?

perhaps you might consider using a view instead

its exactly the same value..jus like a copy column fr the identity column..
i tried using max(syb_identity) and @.@.identity functions but they do not work specially since i put them in a sub query so theyre not calculated recursivelye but just once and insert the same identity value for all other inserted records!
can anyone help me what sortof view i shud create?
i am doing ths whole process thru a perl script so whatever sql tht needs to be done is done thru an sql file run from my perl script. mebbe asome sorta trigger will work tht automatically inserts the newest value of identityt generated into the alias field while insertion of records?
gosh i really need help any ideas wud be gr8:)
thnx fr all the suggestions:)

-shuchi|||if this "alias" column is to have exactly the same values, then you don't really need it

just select it twice in any query -- select system_id
, system_name
, system_id as sys_alias
, sys_pro
, sys_values
from yourtable

rudy|||thanx a ton fr all the help...managed it:)


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