Friday, February 24, 2012

Inserting the date as defaultvalue in a sqldatasource Parameter

Hi Guys.

I am trying to insert the date as the default value into the DatePosted parameter in the sqldatasource object. I have put have the following below but it doesn't work. I have also tried <asp:Parameter Name="DatePosted" Type="DateTime" DefaultValue="<%= Date.Now %>" />

<asp:Parameter Name="DatePosted" Type="DateTime" DefaultValue="<%= now() %>" />

I know the solution is probably simple and I look like an idiot, but excuse me because I am very knew and fragile at this lol...

any help would be great :).


Change your code to this,and it is OK.

<asp:Parameter Name="DatePosted" Type="DateTime" DefaultValue='<%# DateTime.Now %>' />


Hi Jason,This does not work either. It says you can't use databind in a parameter I tried it with <%= %> as well but still nothing?

Any other ideas?


If you can't override the parameter, it would be easiest to change the sql statement to reference getdate or getutcdate instead like:

INSERT INTO MyTable(col1,DatePosted) VALUES (@.col1,getutcdate())

If you have to allow for the parameter to be overridden, try putting this code into page_init:


|||just do it at the database level via enterprise manager by modifying the table in question and set the default for the column by specifying the getdate() function so when a recorded is inserted via code with dateposted not supplied the sql server will insert that column with the current date.|||I have the same problem and this solution doesnt work. The column in the table has a default of getdate(), but I still get an error that NULL cannot be insert into the column. The problem is there is no way to tell it to not supply a value--if a value is not set it will supply NULL. Is there another way to default a DateTime parameter to DateTime.Now or getdate()? TIA|||

The solution I posted should work. The solution posted after mine should also work.

Please post your code.


Doing it at the database level only works if you can remove it as a parameter entirely. In my case I needed to allow the user to enter datetime and only default it to getdate()/DateTime.Now when they choose not to enter specific date.

I knew of the page init method you suggested, but I was trying to avoid this as I was experimenting with how much you can do with only declarative code--I guess I just hit one of the limits of declarative coding.

(For the record, I much prefer DDD with NHibernate, NUnit, etc., but in some cases, especially for small/trivial/non-critical projects, being able to do things quickly outweighs other concerns.)

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